Tuesday 3 January 2012

Moving Day!

 Well that's that! Deven is almost completely moved in, and we're nearly ready to get organised! All that's left to move is the larger items, such as furniture. The picture I've shared with you, is a picture of our bedroom. Deven has put all of his clothing and various items in bags, and it's taken up a large portion of our small master bedroom.

This isn't even all of it! There is still more to come! Our apartment isn't very large and so these 3 bags take up a lot of space in our bedroom. Right now the plan is to clear out half the closet, and install Dev's ikea closet organiser so he no longer has to live out of bags. Unfortunately, with a large box of blankets, and a bunch of other stuff in the closet, this is working out to be a larger job then originally thought.

On another note! How about all this white stuff!? It was so blizzardy (is that even a word?) outside last night that I just had to take a picture and show you. The snow was coming in so hard that the buildings across the street were difficult to make out. Insanity!

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