Thursday 5 January 2012

Words Hurt

Well bloggers, followers, friends, family... I want to share this with you.
Yesturday I used the words "mentally handicapped" in the wrong way. I had misplaced a thread on a forum I'm apart of. In misplacing this thread, I created a new one asking where it went under the assumption it had been deleted. When I found said thread, I called myself mentally handicapped. I used those words to replace the word stupid. I thought that since I'd used the correct term, it wouldn't be nearly as offensive as if I had called myself a "retard". I've now been told, harshly, that these words do not have synonymous meanings... as in they do not mean the same thing. I'm fully aware that people who are mentally handicapped are not stupid. In fact wasn't there a doctor on Greys Anatomy who had a form of autism? But because of that it made her amazing at her job. Now I realise this is a TV show, but it's just the same in real life. I have a cousin, Simon, who is autistic. He's a wonderful guy, and he's really very smart! I know another guy who has aspergers, he's also really smart and actually moving out on his own with his girlfriend. Another friend of mine, Ian, is a really hard worker and has been working the same job since he was 16. People who are mentally handicapped, are not *always* completely dependant on others. And they sure as heck are not stupid. I didn't realise how hurtful the use of this word is to some people, and I hoped that by blogging about it today, others could learn this too.

Thank You for reading.
And to those of you whom I did offend with my use of the word. I'm sorry, and I hope that you now see the sincerity in my writing.

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