Friday 13 January 2012

Plus Sized Models....

Before I start, this is not a bash on the men and women who model, nor is it a bash on thin people in general. I appologise in advance if this post offends anyone, this is simply my opinion and nothing more then that.

Today I read an article online: Click here to view the article
It basically showed (in a bit of a sexual way) the differences in a "plus sized" model, and a "regular sized" model.
My issue?  Well, it isn't that they're being a little sexual, it isn't that the women are thin, it's that the women featured as "plus sized" are about my size. I am 5'3 and about 150lbs. I wear size 11 or 12 pants, and medium shirts, but I am by no means "plus sized", so in a way this article actually offended me.
Now some of you may feel that maybe I'm over reacting to some degree and that the pictures are simply trying to change societies view and say "hey, isn't the "plus sized" models body, more beautiful to look at then the "regular sized" model?"  And yes, I'd have to agree, I personally find the plus sized models featured in this article to be very beautiful. But the mere fact that they are considered plus sized in the modelling industry saddens me.
The reality is, most of society varies in weight, and height, and shape, and colour, and so on.. and therefore most of society isn't portrayed properly in the modelling industries. And I think that's unfortunate to be honest. I have a friend who looks like if the wind blew too hard she'd fly away and never been seen again, I have another friend who's on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. I think both of these women are gorgeous and wish that the rest of society could see that too. Maybe then, the modelling industries would change their ideas and let the men and women modelling their clothing, eat a doughnut!

Again, I appologise if this post offends anyone. Simply my opinion on the article read today.

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